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The purpose of this website is to provide general information about FBL Advogados and its activity. No content on this website may be considered as a means of establishing professional relationships or providing legal services of any kind.

Users of this website should not use or disclose the information contained therein without prior consultation with a lawyer or other competent professional.

FBL Advogados is not responsible to any users of this website for any damages resulting from the use or disclosure of the information contained therein.

This website contains links to other websites. These links are provided solely for the convenience of users of this website. FBL Advogados is not responsible for the content of any websites whose links are made available on this website.

Our cookie policy



FBL Advogados is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and that you comply with your obligations under the Data Protection Act. Our Privacy and Cookie Policy explains how you will handle any personal information you provide to us when you use this site. It also describes how we use internet cookies and some of the security measures we take to protect your privacy, as well as give certain guarantees about things you will not do..

The information we collect and how we will use it:

When you register on our site, we collect the information you choose to fill out on the site forms. We gather this information so that we can process your orders and efficiently manage any transactions as well as use it to develop and improve our services. We may use aggregate information to track the use of our services and to help us develop and improve our site. However, aggregate information and statistics do not include details that can be used to identify you. We may have received personal information from other companies and organizations (for example, marketing effects) and we rely on these third parties to obtain your consent so that we may use this information.


We use cookies on this site. A cookie is a small text file that identifies your computer on our server. Cookies themselves do not identify the individual user, only the computer used. Cookies are not used to collect personal information. You have the ability at any time to configure your computer to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued or not to receive any cookies. How you do this depends on the web browser you use. Please refer to the "Help" function of your browser. If you accept cookies, they may remain on your computer for many years unless you delete them. Please note that turning off cookies may limit the use of websites in general. 


Cookie Tracking:

Web browsers allow you to exercise some control of cookies through browser settings. Most browsers allow you to block cookies or block cookies from specific websites. Browsers can also help you delete cookies when you close your browser. Please note however that this may mean that any opt-outs or preferences set on the site will be lost. To learn more about cookies, including how to see what cookies were set for and how to manage and delete them, visit which includes information on how to manage your settings for various browser providers.

Acceptance of these terms:

By using this site, you consent to the collection and use of your information as set forth in this cookie policy and privacy policy. If we change our privacy or cookie policy in any way, those changes will be posted on this site.

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